řešení z minulého týdne:
Nesměla jít na diskotéku. She wasn´t allowed to go to a discotheque.
Nebude moci posílat smsky. She won´t be able to send texts..
Měla do pátku vyčistit obrazovku. She should have cleaned the screen by Friday.
Musela se včera učit. She had to study yesterday.
Byla by tam šla. She would have gone there.
Mohla by ti pomoci. She could help you.
Možná, že šla do samoobsluhy. She may have/might have gone to a supermarket.
Přece nemohla vypít lahev rumu. (Nemohla vypít láhev rumu.) She can´t have/couldn´t have drunk a bottle of rum.
Nemusela kupovat nový mobil. (Udělala to zbytečně.) She needn´t have bought a new mobile.
Uměla číst, když jí bylo 5. She could read when she was 5.
Nesmíš se tolik učit. You mustn´t study so much.
Nemusí jít nakupovat. She needn´t go shopping. She doesn´t have to go shopping. (event. She doesn´t need to go shopping. = Nepotřebuje jít nakupovat.)
Nemusela se učit němčinu. She didn´t have to study German.
Stahovala by MP3. She would download MP3s.
nový týden:
Vyberte si jeden z následujících textů, vyhledejte neznámá slova ve slovníku, přepište si je do sešitu. Text shrňte 3 větami svými slovy; neopisujte věty z textu – to není smyslem. K textu napište 3-5 otázek tak, aby na ně šla najít odpověď v textu. Tyto dvě úlohy mi zašlete emailem – ne v příloze, ne na fotografii, ale v těle emailu.
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Listen to this radio programme https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/b03y3js1and answer the following questions:
- How much does the reporter weigh?
- What is her BMI (body mass index)?
- Who used to eat secretly and hide food?
- Why do people put on weight when they are at university?
- Since when has there been a significant increase in the proportion of adults aged 16 – 64 categorized as obese?
- What will excess body fat lead to?
- What happens as a consequence of the fact that people are wealthier?
- Which simple solution is suggested?
- What is described as an energy cost?
- When is it difficult to stop eating?
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