Tři ukázky kompozicí psaných na hodinách anglického jazyka napříč všemi ročníky SŠKK.
1. Žáci měli napsat kompozici na téma „Moje ideální škola“ v rozsahu 120-150 slov za využití slovníku.
My ideal school
My dream is to study at a single-sex school. Everyone is friendly and kind to each other. I would like to study in a school that is on a beach. The atmosphere is lovely and everyone is on the same level. There is no bullying in my ideal school. We have a modern, family and friendly environment.
The main subjects are history of art, social studies and history. There is no math and biology. One day, I´d like to be a psychologist so these subjects are very important to me. My main languages are English and German.
Every lesson should be one hour long. It´s good for students and also for teachers. We have more information.
My ideal school has many after-school activities and clubs. For example, dance lessons, comedy club and horse club. I love horses so this would be my choice number one. Every teacher at the school is very open and helpful. We don´t get any homework or something similar. I would like to study just for two years and then go to another school.
2. Žáci dostali za domácí úkol napsat vypravování o tom, jak prožili letní prázdniny.
My summer was fine, but I did not go anywhere. I was only at home and at my granny´s. In July, I helped my aunt move to a new apartment. It was difficult, because she has a lot of pets and books. During the first week in August, I was home alone, because my parents went to a river. I did not want to go, because I hate camps and river water. In August I painted my room white. I did everything in one afternoon. Also, I managed to catch up on my interests.
3. Žáci měli v neformálním dopise poradit fiktivnímu britskému kamarádovi, který neví, na jaké škole by měl studovat.
Hi Nick,
When I was reading your letter, it made me quite sad.
Why did you attend this school? If you want some help, I´m here for you. But for now, I want to give you some tips.
When some subject is not going well for you, find something interesting about the topic you are learning and it should get better.
But if you want to change it, then I recommend finding something else, something similar to your hobbies. But please, search for a new school only if it is necessary.
I think you should give your school a second chance. I know it can be boring, but life is like that.
Please, contact me if you need anything.