Dne 22. 10. 2019 se žáci tříd K1 a K2 vypravili do Divadla U Hasičů, kde shlédli pořad Drogová kriminalita a my. Následující odstavce zachycují jejich reflexi na zmiňovaný pořad.
In my opinion, this event was good. In the beginning, I was pretty bored, because the speaker was just reading facts, but then it started to be very exciting. The best thing were the real stories from his experience.“ (M. from K1)
„It was useful and I learnt new things, and I am grateful for it. It was a bit monotonous at first, but overall I enjoyed it.“ (J. from K1)
„It was surprisingly good. I liked it; the main guy was funny and seemed to know a lot about drugs. He showed us pictures of drugs and even dead people. I would go there again.“ (E. from K1)
„Today, we learnt about something unusual – about drugs. A policeman was telling us about different drugs and mostly about their effects on human beings. We were shown several photos of victims of drugs and told a lot of stories. It was really interestings. (A. from K1)