Následující fotogalerie dokumentuje, jak zaměstnanci a vedení SŠKK trávili a tráví prázdniny.
Následující fotogalerie dokumentuje, jak zaměstnanci a vedení SŠKK trávili a tráví prázdniny.
Milé studentky, milí studenti,
jak dokumentuje níže uvedená fotogalerie, vysvědčení je rozdáno, tak Vám přejeme krásné prázdniny, pevné zdraví a těšíme se s Vámi na viděnou v září!
Vedení a zaměstnanci SŠKK
Dne 29. 6. se třídy K1-K3 vypravily do Šárky na procházku a na piknik, jak dokumentují následující fotografie.
Navzdory nepříznivé situaci se podařilo všem žákům a žákyním ze tříd K1, K2 a K3 naší školy zajistit místo k vykonání odborné praxe v červnu 2021. Následující fotografie dokumentují její průběh.
Navzdory nepříznivé situaci se podařilo všem žákům a žákyním ze tříd K2, K3 a K4 naší školy zajistit místo k vykonání odborné praxe v prosinci 2020. Následující fotografie dokumentují její průběh.
Vážení zájemci o studium na naší škole,
bohužel den otevřených dveří zatím nemůžeme uspořádat, tak jsme alespoň připravili informační letáky a krásné záložky, které jsme rozeslali na základní školy v Praze i středních Čechách.
Kompozice studentů třídy K3 na téma LIFE EVENTS v anglickém jazyce. 2. pololetí 2020/2021
Student/ka A
My childhood memories
When people hear about childhood memories, they often remember moments when they used to go on holidays and happy moments with their family and grandparents. And what about me?
When I was a little girl, my family and I used to go on holiday to visit our relatives in Slovakia. We always made many trips in the countryside but we also stayed at our relatives in their town. We always stayed there for two weeks in summer. I remember our trip to Slovak Paradise, where I really enjoy it. Once I was there with my father and we climbed the mountain through a cold stream. When we were at the top with completely wet shoes, a terrible storm started. We were waiting under a big tree for about half an hour but the rain didn’t stop. Luckily, a car gave us a lift so we happily survived.
Other summer we were climbing Chopok in Low Tatras mountains and we arrived at the Stefanik’s log cabin. There we were surprised that everything had been brought there by Slovak sherpas from the valley up to the mountains. The views were beautiful and we admired the strength and strong will of the sherpas.
I have beautiful memories on our summer holidays and family trips. When I have kids one day, I will go with them on trips as well.
Student/ka B
I would like to tell you about visiting my grandparents when a was a little girl. Same as nowadays I was always looking forward to see my grandpa and grandma, insomuch as beeing with them was every single time precious.
Both of my grandparents gave me significant things for life. In my grandpa´s case it was a huge amount of music knowledge, because he was a music critic (as a job) and still is a distinguished musician himself. I loved listening to his old gramophone records of classical music, as well as listening to him speaking about the life of composers and their work.
My grandpa is also excellent in history, especially in history of philosophy, therefore he was always telling me about his favourite philosophers such as Plato, Aristotl and Socrates.
My lovely grandma was always and still is a great thinker as well. She is a teacher of history and Czech language and without her help I would have never been able to pass entrance exams to the grammar school. On top of it, she is an excellent cook. For a whole year, when I was about 12 years old, she taught me how to prepare simple and later more complicated dishes, and even though I started to eat and cook more healthy, I will always be gratefull for her teaching me the basic cooking skills.
I love my grandparents so much and I hope we will spend a lot of time together in the future.
Student/ka C
The first birthday that I remeber was my 9th birthday. It was celebrated on weekend, so I didnt have to worry about any school or work. I woke up pretty late in the day and had lunch. After lunch me and my family went for a walk into the near park as we usualy did when I was younger. It was enjoyable experiance but I remember that I felt tired aftherwars since there was lots of stops at playgrounds where me and my little brother played and run around. Afther the park walk we went to see a movie, I sadly dont remeber what was the movie, but it was some sort of fantasy action film and it was a lot of fun.
After the movie ended, we returned home. At home my mom prepared and baked a cake with 9 candles. I also got some presents. Lego set of a pirate ship and some money, I dont remeber how mutch. I spend the rest of the day playing with my new lego toy and playing videogames on my playstation, after that I went to bed. I very mutch enyoed this birthday and its my first birthday memory that I remember.
Student/ka D
From the several first school days I´ve had so far, first day of elementary school is far most exciting. I studied at Smysluplná Škola elementary school in Karlín until 2014, when I transefer to a grammar school.
In 2009, when I started school, the First fo September was a Tuesday. My granpa babysitted my younger brother, four year old at the time, while me and my parents went to Prague for the first day of my school.
All first-graders gathered in front of the school, where we were greeted by our teachers-to-be and the headmaster. He informed us, that the most important school suply is the snack, and asked if we had it.
Than we lined up for a cute tradition this school has: every first-grader was led by an assigned nine-grader over a threshold. On one side of it, there was written „Preschooler“, while on the other side, there was „schooler“. When we stepped over it, we became pupils.
Our new classrom was very pretty, with paintings on the walls and a carpet in the back of the class. We chose desks. I sat next to a friend I had from kindergarden. She was called Klára, just like me. On each of our desks, there was a box, a gift from the city. There were some toys, pencils, sweets and other things I don´t really remeber.
When I was writing this essay, I was surprised about how much I remember. They are mostly tiny, uniportant pieces of information, but interesting nevertheless. When I´m older, however, twelve years probably won´t be as long time, as it seems now.
Přinášíme fotoreportáž ze školy, tak jak vypadala v pondělí 2. listopadu, tj. 4 týdny poté, co ji většina z nás v důsledku protiepidemických opatření musela načas opustit. Fotoreportáž jsme připravili pro studenty a učitele, kterým se už trochu stýská, a taky pro potenciální nové studenty – aby měli možnost se podívat, jak to u nás vypadá.
Žáci z K2 dostali za úkol přetvořit hrdinský epos o Nibelunzích do komiksové podoby. Zde jsou jejich verze eposu:
Ukázky anglických textů žáků K1:
I am fighting for freedom.
For the land that is yours. I´m on my way to victory.
I have seen many horrors in this world. I never want to see mother crying over a loss again.
That´s why I am putting my life to risk. Put my life in danger to see a smile on her face.
So let´s go on this way, I´ll be strong and you,
let´s be by my side. When I am with you, I feel strong and alive.
You are my life, and I´ll never live to see another day without you. The world is my heart and you are my world.
When you cry, I cry. When you feel happy, I am happy. When you need me, I am always there for you.
That´s my world, and I´ll be with you till the end. All of these are in my heart and soul.
You gave me something, which I never felt before.
I feel, and I´m loving you. I´ll love you forever, no matter what comes to be.
I will go to the end of the world to save you. You´re everything to me.
I´m with you, and I don´t care where we are. We´re going to be together for a long time.
We will experience happiness and sadness. However, nothing will separate us.
I´ve no more tears to shed now.
I am strong and happy when you are with me. We are one, and I love you forever.
My love, I will be always there for you.
Everything once ends. We are nothing more than characters in a story, our lives can be easily ended by an arrow or a rock.
If our lives are not ended by these things, our lives are only prolonged and made more interesting.
But what´s the point of fighting, when we are on the battlefield?
If we are to be real warriors, the war should not be between us and the enemy, but with ourselves.
Someone is fighting for his country, someone for his loved ones, someone to live tomorrow. So is there any point to fight for?
So one day, a soldier on the battlefield said to his friend: “I think I have finally understood what I am fighting for.“
And his fellow soldier asked him: “So what are you fighting for then? “
“I am fighting for that one moment in which I have been transported to the very pinnacle of happiness. “
His friend asked him again: “What about our country, your family, your wife? “
“That is all just something that I have been born into, and the moment has come when I am prepared to be born out o fit. “
“You are someone who´s got it straight out. I pray for you to survive this war. “
And so, a soldier in the war against himself was born.
But this is just a merely little part of this story.
Many people have a different outlook on/towards life and think there is no point to fight for anything.
Yet many people have point to fight for.
Then, there are people who find it hard to understand the value of fighting for a cause.
And when they find it, their fighting spirit becomes their soul.