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Zodpovězte tyto otázky a odpovědi mi zašlete emailem:
What is the name of the podcast which is advertised at the beginning of the programme?
Who has announced massive stimulus packages?
Who, according to Mr. Trump, should not go out of business?
Which countries are NOT banning foreigners from entering their territories?
What does the number 22 refer to?
What is threatened because of the coronavirus?
When were massive stimulus packages announced?
How much money is the US package estimated at?
What does Mr. Trump think should be injected into the US economy as quickly as possible?
Who is Mr. Mike Pence?
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Book Fair
A book fair is a commercial event, a public event, at which publishers and publishing houses exhibit, present promote and trade books, (including audio books, e-books) magazines, newspapers, publications and translations. Usually there are special discounts. A book fair oftenfeatures appearances by authors and/or translators. Book fairs play important roles in marketing as well as business networking. People will seek to meet people and companies at their own level in the supply chain (dodavatelský řetězec), as well as potential suppliers and potential buyers. Representatives from book publishing companies and literary agents from all over the world come to negotiate international publishing rights, translation rights, and licensing fees. Ordinary visitors can come to buy books and to attend events held during the book fair.
Describe how the book fair is organized:
Exhibitors need to register for the book fair, pay a registration fee. Then the exhibition stands are set up. New publications, and translations are exhibited, presented and promoted. Publishers, agents, booksellers, librarians, academics, illustrators, film producers, translators, institutions, artists, authors, antiquarians from all over the world gather and participate in the events at the book fair. Visitors take the opportunity to obtain information about the publishing market, to network, and to do business. It is a critical marketing event for launching books and to facilitate the negotiation of the international sale of rights and licences. Negotiations take place and contracts are signed. In the end, the exhibition stands are dismantled.
New publications and translations are presented.Debates with famous authors and/or translators as well as literary rising stars take place.There may be author readings, autograph sessions (autogramiáda). There are various lectures, talks, discussions, and workshops. There may be a musical and gastronomical programme, cooking shows, a special programme for children.
Examples of book fairs in the Czech Republic and abroad:
The Frankfurt Book Fair (The Frankfurter Buchmesse) is the world’s largest trade fair for books, based both on the number of publishing companies represented, and the number of visitors.It has a tradition spanning more than 500 years. It is considered to be the most important book fair in the world for international deals and trading. The five-day annual event in mid-October is held at the Frankfurt Trade Fairgrounds in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. The first three days are restricted exclusively to professional visitors; the general public attend the fair on the weekend. The fair is organised by Frankfurter Buchmesse GmbH. More than 7,300 exhibitors from over 100 countries and more than 286,000 visitors took part in the year 2017. The Leipzig Book Fair (Leipziger Buchmesse) is the second largest book fair in Germany. It takes place annually over four days at the Leipzig Trade Fairground in the northern part of Leipzig,Saxony. It is the first large trade meeting of the year and as such it plays an important role in the market and is often where new publications are first presented. Other examples include: The Moscow International Book Fair and The China Shanghai International Children’s Book Fair
Book World Prague – an international book fair and literary festival
It first took place in 1994. It is held in May and takes place every year. The venue is the Palace of Industry, Prague Exhibition Grounds.It is organized by Svět knihy, s. r. o., company of the Association of Czech Booksellers and Publishers. Usually, there is a guest of honour. In 2019, it was Latin America. The focus of the book fair in 2019 was Memory and Reminiscence (Paměť a vzpomínky). Writers, including Nobel-prize winners, and translators attend the event in person. There are author readings. Actors present audio books. Apart from that, there are debates, workhops, exhibitions, film screenings, concerts or tastings of exotic delicacies. In 2019, there were 461 exhibitors from 31 countries and regions, 214 stands. The total area was 3 790 m2.
Your experience:
Have you ever been or worked at a book fair in the Czech Republic or abroad? If yes, what was it like? If not, why not?
What did you like/dislike about it?
What did you think of its organization and about the events?
Would you like to visit or work at a book fair in the future? Why? Why not?
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